Amazing table tennis

Table Tennis video clips

Just proof you can look everywhere in the world of sport to find amazing skills, table tennis competition the Kuwait Open produced a spectacular trick-shot this week.

French star Quentin Robinot, 20 years old, served to contest a rally with opponent Kiryl Barabanov of Belarus, before winning the point with an incredible behind-the-back shot.

The Belarussian’s returns got more powerful each time, but the cunning Robniot swung his arm behind his back and sent the ball to the other side of the table, catching his opponent flat-footed.

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Unbelievable: Robinot (blue) rallies with Barabanov (left) before attempting the beind-the-back shot

Fooled You: The trick-shot sent the ball across the table, leaving Barabanov completely helpless

Barabanov looked stunned to be on the receiving end of the clever touch, holding his arms up in disbelief.

Once he’d realised what happened, he could only applaud and look on as the Frenchman soaked up the plaudits from the astonished crowd.

Robinot clearly couldn’t believe what he had done either, holding his arms aloft and smiling at the applause for his spontaneous shot.

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