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Table Tennis net rules

Many players that are new to the game get this one wrong.

A let is when the serve hits your side, then hits the net and goes onto the other side of the table correctly.

If the ball does not hit your side and/or your opponents side it is a fault.

How Many Lets?

You never lose a point for serving a let. Even if you serve 3, 4, 5 or 100 lets in a row, it is always a let.


The other interesting time when the serve is a let is when the server serves it, it bounces on his side, then touches the net and then the opponent volleys the ball while it is still over the table and before it has touched his side of the table.

When else can we have a Let?

Some other ways that the rally can be a let is if;
The receiver is not ready when the server serves, it can be a let. But if the receiver tries to hit the ball it is no longer a let…
There is an interruption that is outside the control of the players. This could include a ball coming in from another court, or a loud noise that interrupts the players.

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