Vancouver Table Tennis Club

Vancouver Table Tennis Club

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Despite her best efforts, returning champion Laura Heit was not able to pull off a repeat at the Biltmore Ping Pong Club's tournament April 27, 2013.
Photograph By Rebecca Blissett

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A player keeps his eye on the ball during Biltmore Ping Pong Club tournament April 27, 2013.
Photograph By Rebecca Blissett

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"Sean Pongery" a member of the "Ain't Nothin' Pong With That" team makes his return during round-robin ping pong action at the Biltmore April 27, 2013.
Photograph By Rebecca Blissett


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A ping pong player celebrates a win during Biltmore Ping Pong Club tournament April 27, 2013.
Photograph By Rebecca Blissett

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Co-host of the Biltmore Ping Pong Club nights, Dustin Bromley, hangs out behind the tables to select musical accompaniment for the fast-pace action on the floor.
Photograph By Rebecca Blissett

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Long-time friends and ping pong addicts Russell Clarke and Laura Heit.
Photograph By Rebecca Blissett


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Each round starts with the customary ritual of banging the paddles on the table at the Biltmore Ping Pong Club night April 27, 2013.
Photograph By Rebecca Blissett

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You miss the ball, you're out. Until the next round starts, at least.
Photograph By Rebecca Blissett

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When the games narrow down to four players, they're incredibly fast-paced since players have to run from one end to the other to make their shot. These players compete at the Biltmore April 27, 2013.
Photograph By Rebecca Blissett


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Co-host Michael Unger presents a round-winning ticket to a lucky competitor at the Biltmore Ping Pong Club night, April 27, 2013.
Photograph By Rebecca Blissett

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Biltmore Ping Pong Club co-host Michael Unger studies the play during the championship game during Biltmore Ping Pong Club night action May 16, 2013.
Photograph By Rebecca Blissett

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Members of "Ain't Nothin' Pong with That" watch the championship game at Biltmore April 27, 2013.
Photograph By Rebecca Blissett

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Maria Balbontin gets ready to play in the championship game at the Biltmore April 27, 2013. Balbontin lost to Sean King.

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Table Tennis Club(Ground Level) - Vancouver
Table Tennis Club(Ground Level) - Vancouver
vancouver table tennis club
vancouver table tennis club
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