SVR Ping Pong Paddle

Expensive Table Tennis Bats

Put Some Spin on it! Selecting a Table Tennis Bat

Table Tennis can be classified as a major sport worldwide, with millions of participants, major tournaments and its own superstars.

As a sport that emphasizes endurance and reflexes above simple size and strength, people of all ages and genders can participate on an equal playing field. The equipment can be had for a reasonable price, and the sport is played indoors so year-round competition and practice is possible. A game requires only two or four players, and typically lasts around 30 minutes, enabling quick matches during breaks, etc.

Table tennis truly is a sport for the masses, and its widespread adoption around the world is a testament to its versatility.

Here are some tips on selecting your own Table Tennis Bat

The first step in choosing a table tennis bat for oneself is to find out what level you believe yourself to be at. If you have never played, played only recently, or played a long time ago, you may consider yourself a beginner. If you play once a week, a few times a month, or you used to play often, you may consider yourself an intermediate player. If you play often, say a few times a week, or you used to play all the time you may be an advanced player. If you are in a league and you practice daily you may want to put yourself in the professional category. It is very important to judge your level of play because your table tennis bat directly affects your performance. Simply buying an expensive advanced bat could actually make you play worse if it is above your level of play, as you might not be able to control your shots. Not only should you account for how often you play, but also for how long you have been playing. Be honest with yourself, you are the best judge of your own skill level.

Now that we have a good idea of your skill level, we need to determine what type of player you are and what technique suits you best. You should be able to situate yourself into one of these three groups; offensive, defensive, or all-around player.

Brodmann Blades - Table Tennis Rackets
Brodmann Blades - Table Tennis Rackets
How To Choose Your Table Tennis Blade
How To Choose Your Table Tennis Blade
High-Fiving the most EXPENSIVE Table Tennis bat in History
High-Fiving the most EXPENSIVE Table Tennis bat in History
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