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Killerspin Table Tennis Rackets

Table tennis is a sport that can be enjoyed by individuals of any age and physical ability. Top table tennis players are some of the greatest athletes in the world, yet it is enjoyed by millions of disabled persons and folks in retirement homes. Playing table tennis is a great way to stimulate the brain and promote quick thinking while improving hand-eye coordination. Table tennis is a low-injury risk sport that keeps one fit and flexible, without putting severe stress on joints. Playing table tennis increases one's agility and flexibility, and most of all their reaction time. On a professional level, a table tennis player has to react to the ball, move up to five feet, and do a full body swing in order to return the shot, all in less than half a second!

Table tennis is the most popular racket sport in the world. Though many just enjoy playing table tennis in the basement, there are over 300 million active members of governing associations world-wide. It is enjoyed by millions of families across the world, and over 20 million play table tennis recreationally in the US alone.

Here are just a few benefits from the sport of table tennis:


Played at home amongst family members!

How many sports can be played at home? Amongst family members? Take some time to enjoy table tennis at home with your parents or kids, what other physical activity can you enjoy together? One hour per week can make a big difference. Table tennis is a tried and true staple of American homes, proven to bring families together through a non-electronic channel.

"I am 40 and my son is 15, we play table tennis twice a week and it has really help us stay connected. Although our entertainment choices are totally different, we both love table tennis, it's our time together. With my busy schedule, this time is crucial to our relationship. It has helped our relationship so much I am starting to play with my own father."

- Killerspin customer and working dad


Table tennis - "high-speed chess"

Table tennis is accurately described as 'high-speed chess'. The mental alertness encouraged by the sport's tactical challenges is particularly good for seniors. The ability to concentrate on applying a tactic is good for all ages. Table tennis is available year-round as a social outlet. It is one of the few sports in which size, age, and sex are irrelevant competitive factors. This aspect has led to its adoption as the world's most popular life sport and the slogan: "TABLE TENNIS: ANYBODY, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE".

How to Backhand Counterhit | Killerspin Table Tennis
How to Backhand Counterhit | Killerspin Table Tennis
Craftsman Experience - Killerspin Table Tennis Shows How
Craftsman Experience - Killerspin Table Tennis Shows How ...
Killerspin Table Tennis Racket Case
Killerspin Table Tennis Racket Case
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