Here is the shoe: Xiom V-Tube

Xiom Table Tennis

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Reviews of Xiom Vega Pro (55)

great forehand rybber Review helpful? |
Many years I've used a Vega pro on a Primo Vitesse blade as FH, and it has given me incredible results. The rubber has great control and spin for drives, loops, smashes and even chop-blocks... It's not a very fast rubber, but on a hard blade, it becomes a dangerous weapon. The control allows me to loop in a short/medium distance, and place the ball in a difficult position.

This rubber is relatively heavy and hard, but I like it as I can feel the power can control on my FH.

The only down side of this rubber is, it does not work with soft blades like Inner force. I tried switching it and the speed becomes uncontrollable...

Generally speaking, this is a great rubber for medium and advance players. It's closer to OFF and it allows an aggressive style with mild game speed.

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Certainly my favorite forehand rubber of these last years. I've made lots of changes in my setup during several month, coming from flexible blades and very soft rubbers, and gradually came to stiffer blades and harder rubbers. I quickly came to love the Vega Pro for many reasons :

- It's affordable, and yet very durable (lasts around one whole season for me). The build quality is extremely good. Though the sponge is firm, the topsheet is quite thin and suple so the overall feeling is firm, but not that hard (I'd say around 42-43, depending on the thickness and the blade underneath).
- It's quite fast, but very linear, so you don't feel like you're playing with an uncontrolable rocket. You get the speed you expect, no surprise, no tensor effect that comes into play when you don't expect it, and yet it's easy to play. On the contrary, the Vega Europe is a little easier on this side, speed is easier to "trigger"... but Vega Pro can be really fast as well if you have a good technique and hit the ball correctly. However, during short play or opening topspins, the rubber offers lots and lots of control...
- ... and spin ! Vega Pro is a very spinny rubber. I never played with Tenergys or modern alternatives so it's hard to compare, I'd say it's a bit behind, but really not far. Throw angle is high or medium-high so very suited for topspin play.

All in all, this has been my favorite rubber for the last 2-3 years, never really needed to try anything else. For this price, and if you

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Weighs around 48g cut (2.0mm on Primorac Carbon). This harder rubber is suitable for softer surface(hinoki) blades.

I first had it on Powerwood and it felt hard but slow and not spinny due to the harder surface of the blade. I then switched to Primorac Carbon and boy what a difference it made! The rubber seems to be made for this blade. The softer hinoki surface of the Primorac Carbon is a good match to the harder sponge of Vega Pro. Together the shots are fast and extremely spinny with vicious spin. Side spin shots can be spectacular curvy. topsin shots will dive into the table without going long. I never knew this blade can produce such a huge spin! This is my fastest and spinniest blade by far. I also own T-11+, PG7, Powerwood and N9.

Unfortunately, the sponge deteriorated after 2 month of hard hitting 6 days/week. was once a hard rubber with medium throw now has became soft and high throw. Due to this, I will try the 1.8mm or the Donic Bluefire series next time.

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Un cauciuc foarte bun pentru topspin balonat cu o rotaie mare i un im bun asemntor cu tenergy05.Cauciuc la un pre acceptabil.ncercail cu ncredere.Eu l folosesc pe lemn Ma Lin Extra Offensif pe Fh . Stim. Review helpful? |
Absolute quality rubber from XIOM. Perfect for my BH. It has a medium low throw perfect for quick backhand flicks and drives. this rubber produces loads of spin when thin contact is made on the ball on service and touch play. Blocking is great but where this rubber truly excels at is creating affective spin. With rubbers like energy we can judge the amount of topspin by how much of a dive the ball has. but with this rubber it is a very direct shot ( which is great for the bh) but the spin really causes havoc to the opponents shots and highly affects the accuRACY of your opponents strokes. Great rubber for very reasonable price recommend it for all stages of play after beginner. Review helpful? |
Used on FH. Non-tacky, medium-hard, medium-heavy, High-throw, great looping rubber. Soft touch close to the net, not bouncy at all(on my 729 bomb) like I was expecting for a tensor. Weight in black max is 47 g cut, so medium-heavy, and 67 g uncut. I noticed about 1 mm shrinkage after 4 months. Review helpful? |
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